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1 min. read

Jesus-followers are to speak truth to power. Yet, there comes a time when power must embrace truth and act truthfully.

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Take our US American government as an example. How can our representative form of government be an authentic republic when the “power” entities succumb to threats to their power, rather than embracing truthful ways of living and being even at the expense of that power?

Truthful Living

Or let me just consider myself. I’m a pastor. It’s my job; my source of income. But God did not call me to be a pastor, rather to preach the gospel (in words and by the way I live my life in community).

Now, it could be said that a pastor wields power (though it is ebbing away in our post-Christian society). That power is usually within one’s own faith community.

When I am faced with the choice of living and/or speaking truthfully OR clinging to my power of influence and being well-liked, I must choose being truthful … even if that comes at the expense of my “pastor” position. I can always be truthful to the call to preach/live the gospel, though I may sacrifice the “power” of pastoring in order to do it.

Now Back to Politicians

Are our politicians called to be truthful representatives that make right choices on behalf of the republic, or are they called to be career politicians that must be powerful members of Congress at all costs?

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