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2 min. read

The Prayer of Examen was formally introduced by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the 1500s.

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ex·a·men (i??z?m?n)


“a formal examination of the soul or conscience”

Last week in my faith community, we practiced a version of this prayer. It is a simple but very effective daily practice that can be used focus on God’s presence in our lives.

Become More Aware of God’s Presence

The prayer of examen is a review of the last 24 hours. So if you engage in this exercise at night, you are essentially reviewing the day. As you move through the prayer, you are meditating on the following questions:

  • Where is God in this situation? How is God leading me? What is God saying to me?
  • How was God there for me in that experience?
  • What in my present situation is leading me to God and others in love? What is leading me away?
  • What is the underlying spirit in my dealing with others?
  • What is really going on in what’s happening in my life these days?

The rhythm of this prayer moves us from awareness, to thanksgiving, to repentance, to promise.

As we are made of aware of God’s presence in our lives, we can only respond with thanksgiving. And when we perceive that we are being led away from awareness of God’s presence, we recognize it is usually us doing the preventing. This brings repentance. Finally, the pledge to live more aware, thankfully, and repentantly tomorrow is our promise to God.

You can use this as a simple prayer before retiring to bed for the night.  Try it for a few days, and see how it changes your perspective. It might even change the way you live!

So Tell Me Something

What else do you see going on this prayer of examen?

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